An Easier Way to Save Your Loose Change  

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

by Robert Tutsky

Since this is my first post to this blog I thought I would start with a simple way how I save money everyday and after a while you'll find it does add up.

The coins in your pocket or purse sometimes seems to be a nuisance more than anything else but it's still money you've earned none the less.

What I used to do when I got home at the end of the day would be to toss all my coins into a glass jar. Before I knew it, the jar was filled to the top, I had to count the contents, put the proper amount of coins into individual paper coin wrappers and bring them to the bank.

The problem was, that it was too time consuming counting and rolling up coins to even bother. But what could I do? I couldn't just throw them out, banks frown on bringing them a jar full of coins and telling them you're sure there's $23.97 in coins because you counted every one of them. Doesn't work.

The other option is a commercial coin counting machine. The grocery store I frequent has a machine that will accept coins and give you a return in dollars. Problem is the machine charges you for the service.

I was aware that there were personal coin counting machines you could buy but I couldn't justify spending a lot of money to count my coins. I finally came across a solution. They're plastic counting tubes that allow you to drop the coins in the tube until the excess falls out of a slot. At that point you know that you have the correct coin count. Once full, pour the coins into a wrapper, fold the ends, then off to the bank. Simple procedure. This worked great and was easy to do and actually fun, watching your pocket change add up to a worthwhile sum.

I bought my coin holders locally but you can get similar coin holders at Amazon here.

To make the holders stand up easily I cut holes in a scrap piece of plywood and it makes it much easier to store your coins before wrapping them. The paper coin wrappers or tubes are sold in stores but, don't buy them. Next time you're at your bank just ask for some, they are happy to give them to you.

Remember, even pennies add up.

I came across a millionaire who confessed that he will pick up a penny spotted on a parking lot. You've got to wonder how he became a millionaire to begin with.

Your burdensome pocket change can easily become money in the bank for you.

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1 comments: to “ An Easier Way to Save Your Loose Change

  • Anonymous
    September 4, 2007 at 11:04 PM  


    pennies add up.

    never had problems counting them though, because I don't add up that much coins.

    I always carry some change, just to make it easier for the shopkeeper to give me the change, and not to allow him/her to overburden with coins ;)

    I also keep them, while checking tyre (tire) pressure.

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